
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Number-One Mission, Accomplished!

It's not as extreme as the makeover Lance Bass recently underwent, but Taylor Swift changes her look a bit in the latest issue of Marie Claire.

The young singer pulls up her hair and looks more serious than ever in a photo from the magazine. For someone known as much for her smile and bubbly personality as her impressive career so far, this is freaking us out a bit...

Inside the issue, Swift talks about her early success and how setting goals for herself was a helpful way of keeping her focus and priorities straight:

“I love having a goal, feeling like I’m on a mission. I love trying to beat what I’ve done so far. I knew that everything I wanted to happen could happen in Nashville. So it became my number-one goal to get there somehow.”

She's done more than just get there, that's for certain. Unfortunately, the city in question is still recovering from massive flooding in April, a situation Taylor has spoken out and prayed over.

Meanwhile, to purchase any of the outfits Taylor is wearing here, visit the THG Style Store today!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Taylor Swift Not Secretly Dating John Mayer

Like a gerbil that hasn’t learned to avoid the electrified pellet, Star magazine keeps making ridiculous Taylor Swift claims despite disastrous results.

Last month, the mag alleged Swift was back with Taylor Lautner.

She wasn’t, and Gossip Cop busted it.

Before that, Star claimed Swift might play Lautner’s on-screen girlfriend. That was wrong, too. So was a story about the duo disturbing hotel guests with music lessons.

Now it appears the tabloid has tired of Swift-Lautner drivel… so it’s moved on to Swift and someone else.

The country cutie is “still having a love affair with notorious ladies’ man John Mayer,” claims Star.

“Still”? Um, Swift was never in a relationship with Mayer. But let’s see what the tab has to say.

According to a so-called “source,” Swift has been “meeting up all over the country” with Mayer, behind the back of her alleged boyfriend Cory Monteith. “Taylor will drop anything to see [Mayer],” reports the magazine. All he has to do is text her, another “source” claims, and she’ll “come running” “no matter what time it is!”

So let’s get this straight.

Two superstars with fully booked schedules — and whose every move is followed by a voracious press — have been meeting secretly from coast to coast at the drop of a hat?

Forgive us for thinking the whole thing is absurd.

But just in case, we reached out to sources close to Swift, all of whom tell Gossip Cop the story is complete nonsense.

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Taylor Swift and Julianne Hough Make Maxim’s 2010 Hot 100 List

Last week Maxim Magazine released its 2010 Hot 100 list. The annual list of celebrity hotties is one of many features that makes Maxim Magazine a favorite for guys everywhere. This year’s list has two country girls in the Top 50. Julianne Hough makes the list at #45 and Taylor Swift is #31. Check out the entire list to see who is #1 and who made that list that may be a bit surprising.

Source : Our Country Road

Taylor Swift: New Album This Fall!

Taylor Swift makes her debut as the modern “flapper” in the May 2010 issue of Vogue (Sarah Jessica Parker is on the cover).

The country crooner will move into her own place in Nashville soon, have a new album by fall, and turn 21 in December. Of her new home, Taylor says, “It’s not giant. I didn’t want to have to MapQuest to get to the kitchen.”

Swift also admits, “Looking back on what these past two years have been for me, it feels like this magical dream of, Really? We toured all over the world? We played an arena in London? This is happening? Readjusting my goals and dreams has been something I’ve had to do a lot lately.”

Source : Taylor Swift Biography

Taylor Swift ELLE Japan July 2010

Taylor Swift appears on the July 2010 issue of ELLE Magazine in Japan – and she looks absolutely stunning as always. Be sure to let us know if you pick up a copy of the magazine!

Source: Disney Dreaming

Taylor Swift Biography